COVID-19 Extraordinary Funding
Police and Crime Commissioner COVID-19 Extraordinary Funding
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence
On 19 May 2020, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) announced a package of additional urgent funding in response to COVID-19. This is known as COVID-19 extraordinary funding. The funding is being made available to support people affected by Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.
Dr Alan Billings, Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire, said: “Whilst staying at home has been an important part of the strategy to prevent the spreading of coronavirus, for those people who are in abusive relationships being at home isn’t safe.”
“In the early stages of this situation we saw a reduction in complaints of domestic abuse but we are now seeing these rising as people are trapped at home and becoming increasingly more vulnerable and at risk.”
“I welcome this funding which will help vital organisations within South Yorkshire to provide services to protect victims and prevent perpetrators from exploiting lockdown to increase abuse.”
Dr Alan Billings has been allocated £474,000 from the MoJ to be distributed as follows:
- DA abuse services that are already commissioned by PCCs (total amount available £237,000)
- SV services that are already commissioned by PCCs and those that are not currently funded by PCCs (total amount available £118,500)
- DA services that are not currently commissioned by PCCs (total amount available £118,500
To be eligible for the funding, organisations must be a registered charity, a charitable incorporated organisation, or a social enterprise, including companies limited by guarantee and community interest companies. They must provide support services which have the purpose of helping victims of crime cope with the impacts of crime, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced.
The COVID-19 extraordinary funding is available to cover the period from 24th March to 31st October 2020 The funding is designed to meet the additional costs registered charities or social enterprises have incurred or will incur whilst adapting their services during the pandemic, and to cope with demand increases resulting from it, during this time period. For example, funding may be used to:
- Address short term income disruption
- Meet essential costs of sustaining current activities, such the purchasing of assets to support the move to remote and digital working, and additional staff to cover those unable to work for reasons related to the pandemic
- Address increased demand.
This list is not exhaustive and further details are available in the PCC Funding guidance document.