Working Towards a More Sustainable Police Force

Everyone has a part to play in creating a more sustainable world.

With just under 5,000 members of staff, over 700 vehicles and 93 buildings, we believe South Yorkshire Police can help achieve that goal by making small changes.

The force has a longstanding commitment to sustainability and we have recently launched a five-year plan to help achieve a more sustainable force and South Yorkshire.

Earlier this year, we received a certificate of excellence from IESE for achieving innovative practice in our approach to sustainability. This ranking was achieved from recent work to reduce our carbon footprint.

Over the past 12 months, we have seen the introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles, including electric off-road bikes and police cars. The use of electric vehicles reduces our amount of fuel used and reduces our carbon emissions.

In addition to this we have trained over 150 staff in eco-driving, changed to low carbon technology and have upped our efforts to encourage staff to take greener travel to work.

We have also upped our efforts in recycling property and donations of bicycles and blankets have been made to charity.

The five-year strategy will see officers and staff work towards quality education, health and well-being, reducing inequalities, responsible production and consumption, and of course, climate action.

Chief Constable Stephen Watson QPM, said: “Whilst we recognise the challenges our colleagues and communities are currently facing, we want to ensure that the hard work of those involved in the development of this strategy is not forgotten. This important agenda is still integral to the work we undertake; and delivering our new strategy in the context of Covid-19, will enable us to innovate and achieve desired outcomes.”

“In developing our new strategy, we delivered a comprehensive engagement programme across the force to involve our colleagues and explore how to widen our impact and transition to Net positive sustainability. Our new strategy outlines a fresh approach with staff reviewing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) to identify where we as a force could add the most value locally. South Yorkshire Police is looking forward to working with our partners and colleagues to deliver a positive impact on a wide range of issues including climate action, social value, reduced inequalities and importantly, health and well-being; to further embed sustainability throughout all that we do.

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner said: “The force has a forward thinking approach to sustainability. It ensures that the environmental impact of any decisions is always thought through and consideration given to where improvements can be made.  This innovative new strategy will promote even greater action and ensure the delivery of excellence across all strategic themes, making a real difference to the communities we serve.

“I believe there is a responsibility on all public organisations, like the police, to lead the way in making themselves as sustainable as they can and to play their part in reducing their carbon footprint.”

You can read the full strategy here-