Performance Information
On this page you will find information about priorities and performance as well as links to statistics, reports and information on policing and criminal justice in South Yorkshire.
Police and Partners’ Performance Framework
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner monitors the performance of South Yorkshire Police and partner organisations using the Police and Partners’ Performance Framework. This framework is aimed at monitoring progress against the priorities set within the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan and the national priorities for policing set by the Government.
The Police and Crime Commissioner produces a quarterly performance report from the Police and Partners’ Performance Framework. The reports can be found on our Performance Against the Police and Crime Plan pages.
National Priorities for Policing
The National Priorities for Policing are specified by the Government in the National Crime and Policing Measures. The aim of the national measures is to complement existing local priorities set out in the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan. The Police and Crime Commissioner has included all national priorities in his current Police and Crime Plan.
The key national policing priorities are:
- Reduce murder and other homicide
- Reduce serious violence
- Disrupt drugs supply and county lines
- Reduce neighbourhood crime
- Improve victim satisfaction with a focus on victims of domestic abuse
- Tackle cyber crime
The Police and Crime Commissioner is required to provide a statement on the contribution of South Yorkshire Police to achieving improvements against these national priorities. This statement is available here: South Yorkshire Police Performance Against National Crime Measures