The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 states that in relation to the income and expenditure of the elected local policing body all expenditure over £500 should be published. Please see below for South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Expenditure and South Yorkshire Police Expenditure.

Some entries published are less than £500. These are sum parts of an invoice that in total is over £500. However, to ensure that the costs of the invoices are charged to the correct internal budgets, these costs are often split across more than one unit. As a result some component parts of invoices are under £500, albeit the total invoice is over £500.

The PCC has given a commitment to Value for Money in his Financial Regulations and procurement rules support Value for Money. The systems and expenditure of South Yorkshire Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commission are subject to internal and external Audits, as well as inspections by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary.

OPCC and SYP Spending over £500 can be found in Publications