The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is hosting a virtual candidate briefing event on Thursday 18 March 2021. Prospective candidates and their agents have been offered an opportunity to attend.

The briefing will take place at 10am and will be led by the OPCC’s Chief Executive, Michelle Buttery, and South Yorkshire Police’s Deputy Chief Constable Mark Roberts.

Prospective candidates will be provided with useful information on the PCC’s role and responsibilities, and on the policing and crime issues facing South Yorkshire.

After the briefing presentation each prospective candidate has been provided the opportunity to have a discussion with the Chief Executive and/or Chief Constable Stephen Watson. These discussions will also be held virtually.

Officially declared candidates will receive the Candidate Briefing Pack following the briefing event.

Any candidate who declares after the briefing event will receive a copy of the presentation and the briefing pack and will be offered the opportunity to have a discussion with the Chief Executive and/or Chief Constable Stephen Watson.

The Electoral Commission website provides information for those wishing to stand as a candidate in the PCC elections.

The APCC has produced a Candidate Briefing providing guidance, advice and information for anyone interested in standing as a candidate in the 2020 Police and Crime Commissioner elections.