Tag: Safer Roads
PCC Backs MP Call for Government to End Deadly Smart Motorways
Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner is supporting Rotherham MP Sarah Champion as she is set to lead a debate in the House of Commons demanding the Government abandon the so-called smart motorways.
National Anti-Speeding Campaign Launched
South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings is supporting the Slow Down Save Lives campaign that is putting the spotlight on dangerous and inappropriate speeds.
Partnership Pays Tribute to Families Affected by Road Traffic Collisions
Call for Government to Ban Smart Motorways Following Coroner’s Verdict
Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner has reacted to the coroner’s verdict on the death of Jason Mercer and Alexandru Murgeanu on the smart motorway section of the M1 on 7 June 2019.