In his role as the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Dr Billings is the chair of the Executive Board for the South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU).

This Board is made up of individuals representing relevant partners across South Yorkshire, and takes strategic decisions in relation to the VRU.

The VRU was established in September 2019 with £1.6m of funding from the Home Office. The Unit received one year settlements from the Home Office for 2020/21 and 2021/22. The Unit has now been awarded a three year funding deal up to 2025. This includes £2.89m in 2022/23, £2.16m in 2023/24, and £2.14m in 2024/25.

This funding is sent to the Unit through the PCC’s office. However, it is important to note that the VRU is financially independent of both the PCC and South Yorkshire Police.

You can find out more about the VRU on its website: