As Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for South Yorkshire, it is my job to be the voice of the public, giving them a say in how they wish to be policed.

My statutory responsibilities under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act (2011) and the Police Act (1996) (as amended) include:

  • Securing an efficient and effective police force for South Yorkshire
  • Appointing a Chief Constable, holding them to account for the performance of the Force, and if necessary, dismissing them
  • Setting the policing and crime objectives for South Yorkshire in a Police and Crime Plan
  • Having regard to the views of the public of South Yorkshire about how they wish to be policed
  • Setting the policing budget and determining the policing precept for South Yorkshire
  • Contributing to the national and international policing priorities set by the Home Secretary
  • Bringing together community safety and criminal justice partners to provide an efficient and effective criminal justice system for South Yorkshire

During my four-year term, I am held to account by the Police and Crime Panel, who make sure I am making decisions in the public’s best interest.

A biography of Dr Alan Billings can be found here.