The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is fully committed to SYP’s Sustainability Strategy 2020-2025 which commits to seven Sustainable Development Goals. These goals have been embedded within the Police and Crime Plan and the work of the office.

The goals were selected from the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in a series of consultations with officers and staff. Progress against them is monitored and reviewed and reported annually to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Public Accountability Board and quarterly to his Estate’s Board.

The selected goals are:

  • Good health and well-being – supporting the health and well-being of our employees and those with whom we work.
  • Quality education – provide our people with the skills, knowledge and confidence to contribute to sustainability and widely share these opportunities.
  • Reduced inequalities – promote environmental, social and economic equality across everything we deliver.
  • Responsible consumption and production – embed sustainability considerations into the purchase, use and disposal of all the resources we use.
  • Climate action – take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions – ensure sustainability is considered in everything we deliver.
  • Partnerships for the goals – develop effective partnerships to support a positive contribution to the communities we serve.

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “Considering sustainability is built into everything we do. Since I became Police and Crime Commissioner in 2014 my office has been actively involved with the sustainability commitments of South Yorkshire Police.

“Whilst South Yorkshire has been our principal focus, increasingly we recognise that many of the local challenges we face are similar to those faced by communities regionally, nationally and globally.

“By doing our bit locally and making simple changes we contribute to those global challenges which has a positive impact on society but also reduces our costs.”

Some simple tips that everyone can do to reduce their own carbon footprint and have a lasting impact on the environment include:

  • Switching off lights when you are not using them – leaving office lights on overnight for one year uses enough energy to heat the average home for five months!
  • Switching off computer monitors overnight – leaving one computer on overnight uses enough energy to microwave six meals!
  • Smarter driving techniques can save you 15% of your fuel usage – find out how you can do your bit here:
  • Taking the stairs instead of the lift – if all of SYP employees took the stairs instead of using a lift the Force could save as much as £50,000 per year.