Sheffield Police Awards
It is always something of a privilege to go to police awards evenings, and this year’s Sheffield Awards was no exception. You get some sense of the excellent work carried out by police staff and police officers across the city in the various categories:
Police Officer, Police Staff, Investigating Officer, PCSO, Special Constable, Investigation, Student Officer, Team of the Year; Leadership, Extra Mile, Bravery and Lifetime Achievement Awards.
But what was especially interesting were the awards that involved partners: Partnership Award for the South East Neighbourhood Team; and the Inspiring Youth Award for Big Brother Burngreave.
It was also very humbling to hear the Bravery Award for the two Police Constables – Rhona Fisher and Step Lill – who were first on the scene at the house in Shiregreen where two boys had been murdered by their mother and father.
The trial had finished the day before and the offenders gaoled for 35 years. Talking to the PCs I was struck by the real concerns they had for the future of the surviving children.
South Yorkshire Police is vey much a force that cares for victims.