Canon Dr Alan Billings of the Labour Party, has been elected as South Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner following the by-election yesterday.
Commenting on the election result, Steve Pick, who has been the Acting Police and Crime Commissioner since the resignation of the former Commissioner in September said: “I’d like to congratulate the new Commissioner on his election by the people of South Yorkshire and wish him all the very best in carrying out a difficult job in very challenging times.
“It has been a privilege to hold the position of Acting Police and Crime Commissioner and I thank the team at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Force, partner organisations and the public for their support during this period. My priority is now on ensuring that we provide the most thorough briefing possible for the new Commissioner.’’
Police and Crime Commissioners have to swear an Oath before they are able to take up office and this will happen on Monday 3 November with the Police Area Returning Officer.
Dr Billings will therefore officially take up office as the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner on Monday afternoon after the Oath has been sworn. Steve Pick will continue as Acting Commissioner until this has taken place.
More information will be available about the new Commissioner, and his Police and Crime priorities for South Yorkshire, on the South Yorkshire PCC website on Monday.