Celebrating Our Fir Vale Attended by the Commissioner

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner was the guest of honour at the ‘Celebrating our Fir Vale’ event at the Fir Vale Community Centre on Wednesday, 30 October.

The event was open to all members of the community and began with a free lunch cooked by the Open Kitchen Social Club and members of the Fir Vale Community Hub.  There were games for the young people and a display of Roma dancing.

The community celebration, co-ordinated by Dr Panni Loh, Cohesion Co-ordinator from Sheffield City Council, builds on regular litter picks the Fir Vale Community Hub has been organising.

The Commissioner said: “I thank and congratulate those who have organised today.

“Sheffield is now a very diverse city and this has been a brilliant way to bring local people of many backgrounds and cultures together.

“I particularly congratulate the girls of the Roman do Jilo dance group who performed traditional dances in traditional and very colourful costumes.

“Cohesive communities don’t just happen. It requires patience and persistence of the sort shown by Fir Vale Community Hub.”
