Dr Alan Billings attended the Proud of Barnsley Awards at the Metrodome on Friday, 16 November 2018.

The event is organised by the Barnsley Chronicle and has been held annually for the last seven years. It celebrates individuals and organisations that have done things to make people proud of Barnsley.

The Commissioner sponsored the School of The Year Award and presented to this years winner Meadstead Primary Academy.

Dr Billings said. “It is always humbling to hear some of the inspiring things that ordinary members of the community are doing in the town and to be able o recognise and thank them.”

The Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings attended the Sheffield Make a Difference Awards Ceremony and Celebration at the Octagon, Sheffield University, on Thursday, 22 November.

The event is organised by Voluntary Action Sheffield (VAS) to recognise those who volunteer in their communities and make a difference to the lives of their fellow citizens.

Dr Billings said : “I am pleased to be able to sponsor the event because so many of the voluntary and community groups build up the fabric of local communities and help to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour. “