Home Office funding secured to help prevent domestic abuse in South Yorkshire before it happens
Today (Wednesday 18 November 2020) the Home Office have announced a major funding boost to support organisations tackling domestic abuse and provide services for victims in the lead up to winter with greater demand expected.
South Yorkshire has been awarded over £232,000 following a successful bid by the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner.
The funding will be used to support a range of innovative programmes which aim to prevent domestic abuse before it happens by educating potential offenders and supporting potential victims.
It comes as charities have reported a sharp increase in demand during the pandemic, including a 46% rise in calls nationally, with some victims feeling at greater risk of harm or deciding to report abuse for the first time.
South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings said: “We are pleased to have access to this funding – at a time when the police and the organisations we support, predict that domestic abuse is likely to increase further during these unprecedented times.
“The increase in domestic abuse since the Covid-19 crisis and lockdown has been exponential, and the organisations who try to prevent abuse and support victims need our help more than ever.
“I am particularly pleased to support the re-launch of the #YouAreNoAlone campaign. It is a key message for anyone suffering in silence.
“This money will go some way to helping those organisations struggling under the strain of this influx of new cases. I have no doubt that it will help prevent some people trapped in their homes from being subject to physical, sexual or emotional abuse.”