Dr Billings closed the Barnsley’s Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) event at Shaw Lane Sports Club on Friday, 1 December 2017.
The event way attended by employers across Barnsley as a way to ‘Bring Barnsley Together’ and join them in a zero tolerance approach to domestic abuse.
The Commissioner said: “This has been a very successful conference; bringing together representatives of many organisations that seek to help people who are subject to domestic abuse.
“I believe we are at a moment of real change in our society as far as the relationships of men and women are concerned. The recent revelations of sexual predation in the world of theatre and film, and in the British parliament have made us determined that this must stop.
“We have had two thousand years of patriarchy, where women have been treated as if they were property and had to be submissive. But at last this is changing and women realise they do not have to put up with abusive relationships, and the police will listen to them.”
Dr Billings used the opportunity to present IDAS with a framed certificate confirming the successful application for grant funding from his community grant scheme.
IDAS have received grant funding of £1,765 to help fund the event, which offered an opportunity for employers in Barnsley to be more responsive to signs of domestic abuse.
Barnsley employers in attendance were invited to sign a pledge to support victims of domestic abuse and have the opportunity to undertake specialist training to honour the pledge.
The project will ensure victims are offered support by their employers and that their working environment is a ‘safe-space,’ free from abuse. Employers will be linked in to specialist services so they can signpost victims.