South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings visited Liberty Church in Masbrough, Rotherham on Wednesday, 14 September 2016.

He received a tour of the building and got to hear about their plans to convert the basement of the church into a youth drop in centre.  The PCC met the church’s leaders Emmanuel Dexter, Adrian Dexter, and Rose Flora discussed their plans to reach young people in the Ferham area of Rotherham and beyond.  Richard Jumbe, who has been an integral leader in the project, was unfortunately unable to attend.

Dr Billings said; “One of the issues for this part of Rotherham is the lack of suitable facilities for young people who often have time on their hands in the evenings. This will be a very good drop-in centre. It will be a place to relax or join in activities. The young men and women youth leaders will also be very good role models for the young people.

“I also welcome the work the youth leaders are doing to bring different parts of the community together through their varied programmes.  I wish them well with all their plans.”

Liberty Church has been involved in outreach activities in the Ferham communities for six years.  They organise and host a youth event every Friday evening and engage in community work spending time in the homes of young people with their families.

The renovation project aims to transform the Liberty Church basement into a multi-purpose, Youth Community Centre. The centre will be open on a daily basis, primarily operating as an after school recreational facility that will also provide related youth drop-in services.

Richard Jumbe, Youth Pastor at Liberty Church says: “We intend to create a safe, easily accessible centre for the youth in the Ferham community.  A priority concern being to keep them off the streets or engaging in potentially harmful or illegal recreational activities, or in situations that could make them vulnerable.

“With the support of the supervising youth workers and partnering organisations, the young people will also find support and encouragement from positive role models, as well as access to information from social services and referral agencies.”

Emmanuel Dexter, Associate Pastor at Liberty Church said: “I would like to thank Dr Billings for visiting us today and taking time to listen to the plans we have for the centre.”

If you would like more information on Liberty Church, please see or call 01709 562076.