New sentencing guidelines will be introduced today (Monday 24 April) for speeding in a motorised vehicle.
The maximum fine for speeding will increase from £1000 to £2500. Those driving at excessive speeds could find they face a fine of up to 175% of their weekly income – a rise from100%.
Dr Alan Billings South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner said: “I very much welcome the new sentencing guidelines.
“Speeding is one of the biggest factors in road accidents and we all need to reduce the speeds at which we travel on all kinds of roads. Those of us who travel a lot as a result of our work know how easily we slip into bad habits of driving fast even when there are no time pressures on us.
“Motorists often resent the fines and penalties imposed on them but if they saw what the police and other emergency services see when they attend a road traffic collision they might think twice. Too many lives have been devastated by thoughtless people driving at excessive speeds.”
For more information on the changes to the new speeding penalties see here –