PCC Review Recommendations Welcomed

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner has welcomed the Government recommendations to expand and strengthen the role of police and crime commissioners (PCCs).

The Home Secretary has set out in a statement the recommendations for Part Two of the Police and Crime Commissioner Review.

Part One took place last year and focused on making it easier for the public to hold their PCC to account.

Part Two will look at providing the information, levers and tools to help cut crime, drug use and anti-social behaviour. It will also look to strengthen PCC involvement in the ‘crime’ part of their portfolio to increase their role in reducing crime and re-offending by having a central role in Local Criminal Justice Boards and having more access to data which will help PCCs to see how well their police force operates within the wider criminal justice landscape.

Responding to the announcement by the Home Secretary, Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “I welcome the review which will strengthen my role as a Police and Crime Commissioner within the wider criminal justice system .

“In South Yorkshire I already chair the local Criminal Justice Board. This brings together the police, the Probation Service, the courts, the prisons, the Crown Prosecution Service, the youth offending teams, and others. The new powers and responsibilities will allow me to play a more decisive part in improving the experiences of victims and witnesses through the criminal justice system.

“In many instances cases are taking far too long to get to court and this increases the chances of victims and witnesses withdrawing their testimonies and denying justice for victims. These stronger powers will enable PCCs to drive improvements for victims and the public.”

The Government statement by Rt Hon Priti Patel MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, is available here: https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2022-03-07/hcws664