Police and Crime Commissioner says ‘thank you’ to Specials 


Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings would like to invite the people of South Yorkshire to thank the Special Constables for their hard work and sacrifice as we celebrate National Specials Weekend (Friday 5 June – Sunday 7 June 2020).

This coming weekend the work of the Special Constabulary will be acknowledged nationwide and thousands of officers will take to the streets to support police officers.

The ‘Specials’ are the part-time, volunteer section of the country’s 43 police forces and have been an incredible service to British policing for 185 years.

South Yorkshire’s Special Constables have worked none-stop throughout the Covid19 crisis, dedicating long hours and putting their personal safety fears to one side in order to keep our communities feeling safe in these unprecedented times.

Dr Alan Billings, the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, has thanked them for their work locally and nationally:

“I thank the Specials for the contribution they make to policing in South Yorkshire and across the country, not least for what they are doing during the time of Covid-19 with its emergency legislation.

“Covid-19 has put great strain on all forces and the willingness of Specials to volunteer additional hours at this time is greatly appreciated.

“I know the Specials are working flat out to support the police locally and I noted that 15 officers gave over 100 hours during April alone.

“I would also like to thank the families of the Specials who support them in their role. I am acutely aware that this involves some sacrifice on their part.

“And I thank those employers who have encouraged Specials throughout this time.

“I would encourage anyone interested in becoming a Special to do so. It can be a very satisfying and worthwhile way of giving something to the community.”




  • The Special Constabulary in its present form dates from 1835.
  • Specials have the same powers as any other police officer.
  • They work alongside regular officers and may be involved in any type of activity. They are often seen on duty at big events, such as football matches.
  • In South Yorkshire they can be identified by the SC symbol on their epaulettes.