Police and Crime Plan 2022-2025 Published

Priorities for policing in South Yorkshire over the next four years have been set out in the newly published Police and Crime Plan 2022-2025.

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioners has published his new Plan – Safer Streets, More Police. The document details where South Yorkshire Police should focus its activities in order to meet the needs of the public in the coming years.

Following his re-election in May 2021, Dr Billings introduced a 12-month transitional Plan to be operational until this new Plan was produced

Violence Against Women and Girls, speeding and road safety, rural and wildlife crime and retail crime, are all issues that have emerged more strongly over the last two years and are now firmly within the new plan after appearing in the transitional plan last year.

The overall aim of the Plan is to make South Yorkshire ‘a safe place’ in which ‘ to live, learn, work and travel’.

The big, overarching priorities remain the same:

  • Protecting Vulnerable People
  • Tackling Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Treating People Fairly

Dr Alan Billings, said: “These priorities are the priorities of the public. They reflect what the public tell me they expect from their police force in order to feel safe and to be kept safe.

“But over the last 12 months there has been an increase in concerns both locally and nationally around crimes that disproportionately affect women, including domestic abuse, stalking and harassment where they are subject to harassment, abuse and violence.

“The force has appointed a lead who is part of a national task force to support and develop the police approach to violence against women and girls. I have also asked the Violence Reduction Unit to prioritise the issue and they have undertaken listening events to share best practice and gather views and experiences of victims and communities. They have also worked alongside local authorities to prevent drink spiking in pubs, bars and clubs across South Yorkshire.

“During lockdown people also raised with me a number of issues including: speeding, wildlife and rural crime, and crimes affecting retail businesses.

“These new priorities now sit alongside the existing ones, which include child sexual exploitation, tackling serious and organised crime, burglaries and providing support to victims.

The priorities provide a clear set of priorities and focus for the police and tackle issues of concern.”

The Police and Crime Plan 2022-2025 Safer Streets, More Police can be viewed here.