South Yorkshire Police is set to grow by 220 police officers between now and 2024.

55 have already been planned in this year’s budget as a result of the precept increase and an additional 13 are also planned for this financial year.

In 2020/21 a further 73 will be added using efficiencies from the PCSO review and a further 79 will be added by 2024 through further savings.

At the same time, the Force is set to launch its most significant recruitment drive since 2008 in the coming weeks as they embark on attracting the highest calibre of recruits to fill these posts. Overall, more than 500 new PCs will be recruited as the force also needs to replace those due to retire.

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner added: “This is one of the most significant developments in policing in South Yorkshire in my time as Police and Crime Commissioner.

“It answers those who wanted to see real improvement for the increased council tax as well as those who know that if crime is to be tackled successfully we must have more police officers.

“This uplift of 220 officers is a first step in beginning to restore the ravages done to policing by the years of austerity and cuts.

“But the additional police officer numbers will only be achieved by careful and prudent financial planning and continuing to work more efficiently.

“I have been quite clear that council tax payers should not be making up for the failures of government to fund policing adequately.”