Police Praised for Response to Illegal Gathering
The Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire has praised the police for their handling of a large gathering of young people at the Bolehills in Sheffield last night.
“I urge the public of South Yorkshire to support the police at this difficult time.
“I was taken aback to see the size of the crowd that gathered on the Bolehills at Crookes in Sheffield, about 200 yards from my home!
“This was a flagrant breach of the laws intended to keep us safe from the spread of the coronavirus.
“It was all the more concerning because we are beginning to see the emergence of a third wave of the infection across continental Europe, a clear indication of just how easy it is to fall back in the fight against the disease.
“If we are to come out of the period of restrictions and lockdowns, it is all the more important that we observe the health rules of social distancing. Otherwise, all the gains made could be thrown away by a few thoughtless actions.
“I commend South Yorkshire Police for taking a measured and proportionate approach. I believe they are striking the right balance between encouraging people to observe social distancing and enforcement.
“But their task is not easy and needs all of us to give them support as they seek to keep us safe while maintaining that balance.”