Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, has launched on his website a renewed version of his Police and Crime Plan for 2013-17.
The three main priorities for the plan remain the same: Protecting Vulnerable People, Tackling Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour and Enabling Fair Treatment.
The Police and Crime Plan is the key document that sets out, on behalf of the public, the priorities for South Yorkshire Police for the year ahead. These priorities are determined by a number of factors, including what local communities, groups and organisations say are the issues that matter to them and give them most concern.
Dr Billings said: “South Yorkshire Police has faced a time of restructuring and turbulence in recent years in order to make the savings demanded by central Government. As a result, the priorities I identified last year will remain relatively unchanged to give the Force time to embed them, especially in the new Local Policing Teams.
However, I remain committed to neighbourhood policing and the key to that is to stabilise PCSO numbers.
“Last year crime rose across the country, and although the rise in South Yorkshire was only half the national figure, this is a trend that has to be watched. In addition, crime is changing and the demands on the Force are increasing. New crimes such as cyber crime and modern slavery are emerging and others, such as sexual crimes, domestic abuse and terrorism are rising.
“Much work has already been done in some of these areas, including the funding of 62 additional posts in the Public Protection Unit, to tackle significant increases in the reporting of such crimes as sexual assault, rape, stalking and harassment.
“As other public services face yet further reductions in their funding, some of that will have implications for policing, placing further demand on diminished resources.
“We will continue to look for better ways of doing things at less cost. This is where our partnership with Humberside Police, other forces and other agencies – such as the local authorities and the Fire Service – will help. As far as possible, we will share functions, procure equipment and commission services together.”
The full report can be viewed on the Police and Crime Commissioners website: