“South Yorkshire Police referred themselves to the IPCC in November 2012. Despite repeated requests from former miners, local MPs, councillors and the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign, the decision has been an inordinately long time coming and is just a few days short of the 31stanniversary of the events themselves.

“The decision of the IPCC not to investigate the events of Orgreave is likely to satisfy no one.

“It does not bring closure for the former miners, their families and communities. Their sense of justice denied will continue. The psychological and emotional wounds will persist.

“But in suggesting, in effect, that the events of Orgreave should be investigated by a bigger public enquiry, the IPCC also prolongs the uncertainties that hang over those South Yorkshire police officers who were present at Orgreave and will cause dismay to the present generation of police officers who want to acknowledge past mistakes and move to a better place.

“None of this will help to rebuild trust and confidence between the former mining communities of South Yorkshire and the police.

“I would understand why the former miners would want a thorough inquiry: they want to know the truth and they want closure after so many years. However, any such enquiry should not be allowed to be protracted and the costs would have to be borne by the national government and not fall on the present generation of South Yorkshire taxpayers.”