South Yorkshire Tier 3 Announcement

In response to the announcement today that the South Yorkshire region will go into Tier 3 at midnight on Friday 23 October, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings has issued the following statement:

“If going into Tier 3 is necessary to stop the relentless spread of coronavirus, then the police will have a role in enforcing the new restrictions, for all our sakes.

“Having spoken to the Chief Constable and senior officers, I have no doubt that they will continue to do this in a proportionate way, but we should be in no doubt that there will be enforcement activity if people wilfully flout the law.

“Of course, the police cannot be everywhere all the time.

“It is essential, therefore, that we all play our part.

“Equally, the government need to understand that people will continue to observe the rules as long as they feel that what is being proposed is not just reactive but part of a longer term strategy to defeat the virus.

“How the Tier 3 restrictions fit into that strategy needs careful, constant and consistent explanation.

“I want the police in South Yorkshire to continue to play a positive and supportive role in all our communities during what will be a very hard time for many people.

“So far they have maintained public confidence and there is every reason to suppose this will continue. I want them to remain a force for good.”