Understanding Support for Domestic Abuse Victims and Survivors at Courts 

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is working with partners to seek the views of victims of domestic abuse about the support services they received as their cases progressed through the courts.

A report was published earlier this year by the Domestic Abuse Commissioner highlighted varying levels of support available at court for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.  The report considered support available in magistrates’ courts (Adult and Youth), Crown Court and Family Courts up and down the country.

A copy of that report can be accessed here by following this link.

The South Yorkshire Domestic Abuse Partnership is looking to establish what support is available in the courts serving this area.  It is looking at support that is available now, but also where there may be opportunities to enhance support in future.

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire police and Crime Commissioner said: “The Partnership is really keen to capture the voice of victims and survivors of domestic abuse who have recent experience of the court system, to help us to develop and improve the service for future victims.”

Anyone who has been a victim of domestic abuse within the last three years and has had their case progressed through the criminal and/or family courts is encouraged to share their views by taking part in this survey.

Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/F7WJSGG

The survey will close on 30 November 2021.