Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner is asking victims living in South Yorkshire to take part in a short survey to help him understand their experience through the criminal justice system.
The Commissioner would like to gather the views of people who have been victims of crime within South Yorkshire to help him identify which support services are working well and whether any further support may be required.
Dr Billings said: “As Police and Crime Commissioner, I act on behalf of the public and so need to understand what people want from the police and from criminal justice services.
“It is important for me to know whether the current services available to victims are providing the right help and support and that taxpayers are getting value for money.
“Becoming a victim of crime can be traumatic. Some people require a lot of support from various partners and organisations, and others may just need a crime number for insurance claims.
“It is very important that the services I commission to help victims do this efficiently but also with care and respect. It is feedback on this that I am looking for. I am therefore asking victims to take a moment of their time to complete the survey, by being as honest as possible to tell me how they were treated, informed and kept up to date.
“Sharing your experiences will help to ensure that victims’ needs are kept at the heart of the Criminal Justice System.”
The survey is available here.