Dr Alan Billings, attended a meeting of the Thorne-Moorends Town Council on Tuesday 14 April to explain the new Local Policing Model that is to be introduced across the county.
He addressed the councillors and several members of the public and explained how the new model would reduce costs and secure neighbourhood policing at a time of declining resources.
The new Local Policing Model will combine in a single team existing neighbourhood teams and existing response teams. The new teams – called Local Policing Teams – will have a neighbourhood focus and manage all but the most serious crime and all anti-social behaviour in their area.
At the same time, the new Local Policing Teams will be issued with lap tops to write up their reports in the community without having to go backwards and forwards to a computer in a police station.
Dr Billings said: “The effect of putting all uniformed officers into a single team with a neighbourhood focus, and issuing officers with lap tops, will be to increase the numbers of police officers in each area and give greater visibility to the police – two things that people always ask for.”
PCSOs will remain as they are, rooted in their communities.
Dr Billings was accompanied at the meeting by Superintendent Peter Norman who reassured councillors that recent spates of anti-social behaviour and car crime were being investigated. Superintendent Norman said he would be happy to attend a future meeting to report on progress. Members of the council expressed their support for the good work the police do at a time of cutbacks.