In order for the PCC to be able to successfully undertake their duties they are supported by a team of staff known as the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC).

The OPCC is a non-political, impartial organisation.

More information about the workings of the office can be found on the wider website. The links below provide direct access to some key areas:

Role of the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

Every Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is required by law to have a chief executive, who also acts as the Monitoring Officer.

The Chief Executive works with the PCC to deliver the PCC’s vision, strategy and identified priorities. They make sure the office of the PCC is led effectively through ongoing management and public engagement.

They help make sure that the police force’s activities are checked accurately and appropriately. The Chief Executive’s role is to support and advise the PCC in delivering their manifesto, through the Police and Crime Plan and legal duties and responsibilities.

The Chief Executive is a politically restricted post that is required under legislation to be what’s called the ‘Head of Paid Service’ and has ultimate responsibility for the recruitment, management, performance and conduct of all staff employed by the PCC within the Office of the PCC and the Violence Reduction Unit.

The role of the Monitoring Officer is to report to the PCC if it appears that any proposal, decision or failure within their organisation constitutes, has given rise to, or is likely to break the law or a code of practice or constitutes maladministration.

More information on the role of the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer is available here.

Role of the Chief Finance Officer

Every PCC is required by law to have a Chief Finance Officer (s.151 Officer).

The PCC’s Chief Finance Officer has similar legal duties and responsibilities in connection with any unlawful, or potentially unlawful, spending by the PCC or those acting on the PCC’s behalf.

The principal part of the role is proper administration of the PCC’s financial affairs. This involves advising the PCC on financial matters and the impact of any budget, spending and commissioning decisions and helping the PCC to obtain best value for South Yorkshire’s communities in these financially challenging times.

The 2021/21 Budget Report that was recently approved at the Public Accountability Board Budget Report 2021-22

South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel

The Police and Crime Commissioner is held to account by the Police and Crime Panel. The Panel is made up of 12 people – ten councillors from each of the four districts in South Yorkshire, plus two independent members of the public.

The Panel meets bi-monthly and the PCC attends along with members of the office.

It is the Panel’s job to make sure that decisions are in the best interest of the public, including decisions about what priorities are in the Police and Crime Plan, how much the policing precept should be, and the recruitment and dismissal of the Chief Constable.

Click here for more information.