South Yorkshire Sexual Violence Partnership
The South Yorkshire Sexual Violence Partnership is commissioned by the PCC.
“Our Independent Sexual Violence Advocate (ISVA) service offers practical help, advice & information for victims of rape and sexual abuse and their families.
“An ISVA is trained to look after your needs in a non-judgemental way, and to ensure that you receive care and understanding.
“A CHISVA is trained to support children who have been assaulted and will work within a multi-agency team (whilst remaining independent) to ensure that people are kept safe.
“They will help you understand how the criminal justice process works, and will explain things to you, such as what will happen if you report to the police.”
ISVA support is still provided even if a report to the police is not made.
“The CH/ISVA will provide you with information so that you can make the right decision for you. By contacting them, you are not expected to report any offence to the police and support will still be provided.”
Visit South Yorkshire Sexual Violence Partnership’s website here
Further information on support for victims and survivors of sexual offences can be accessed on the South Yorkshire Police website