Further grant funding from the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Grant Scheme has been announced today (Wednesday, 14 December).

Dr Alan Billings has awarded £30,000 across nine organisations in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield in the latest found of funding from his scheme that is now open to applications throughout the financial year.

Community Groups across South Yorkshire can now apply for grants up to £5,000 to provide support and advice to residents in South Yorkshire that fit in with the Police and Crime Plan’s priorities.

Dr Alan Billings said: “I am pleased to see so many organisations receiving funding this month.  I have provided funding to groups who support young people in to employment, groups who provide advice and support for those addicted to drugs and alcohol and youth projects aimed at targeting young people to divert them away from antisocial behaviour and criminality.

“One project highlights to professionals, the issue of Human Trafficking, which is a growing problem.  Many come across victims of human trafficking, without being aware of it.

“Limited knowledge or understanding of trafficking can mean that victims are not identified or helped. The training I have funded is designed to help people understand what human trafficking is and identify the different types that exist.”

Hope for Justice operate in Barnsley, Rotherham and Sheffield and have received a grant for £1,200 to provide three training sessions to highlight the signs of human trafficking.

In Barnsley, Brathay Trust have secured £3,280 funding to deliver 15 group work sessions to young people aged 14-18 with the aim of preventing Child Sexual Exploitation.  Working with a number of partner organisations they will use a youth work approach to deliver educational sessions to children identified as being at risk of CSE.

Barnsley Beacon Support have also secured funding of £3,095 to address the isolation and vulnerability of carers and families of drug and alcohol users  through an arts project where up to ten individuals will express themselves through art, poetry and creative writing with the support of an artist from Sheffield.

Jenga who are also based in Barnsley provide training to young people for ten weeks and placement opportunities in their community salon to gain Level 2 accreditation in Acrylic Nail Application enabling the student to move into employment.  They have received £300 towards the purchasing of supplies.

Changing Lives in Doncaster are to receive £4,800 to continue their work with women who are sex-working in Doncaster who are extremely vulnerable to sexual exploitation, hate crime and domestic abuse.

Golddigger Trust in Rotherham and Sheffield raise awareness around the issues of Child Sexual Exploitation, domestic abuse and e-safety to young people aged 13-18 through an innovative and creative session delivered in schools and in the community. The ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ session allows groups of young people to explore consequences and choices around these topics through a larger than life ‘board game’.   They have received funding o f £5,000 to deliver 40 sessions to a total of 1,000 young people.

MESH in Sheffield are to receive £5,000 to work in the Abbeydale corridor building relationships and provide training in mediation skills to the parents of those causing anti-social behaviour in this area.

The Woodthorpe area of Sheffield is believed to suffer from significantly higher levels of crime and anti-social behaviour.  Three Consulting Ltd are to receive £4,977 to run a youth project that delivers a programme of fun, educational and engaging activities for young people which will involve their social interaction and shared experiences with others and help them to feel part of the community in which they live.

The Sheffield based organisation Sheffield Recovery Community offer a new drop in provision for people addicted or in recovery from substance misuse. Based at Da Hood, boxing gym, established by a local boxer Reagan Denton, they bring together groups and agencies that provide support and opportunities for people in treatment and recovery from substance abuse. Whilst running sessions for the local community Da Hood have identified young people who are living with parental and family substance misuse.

The 2016/17 Community Grant Scheme is still open for applications.  To date there have been 20 groups and organisations funded, with a total of £73,000 awarded to those helping others in their communities.