Independent Advisory Panel for Policing Protests Reports
The Independent Advisory Panel for Policing Protests is convened when notification is received that a protest is planned that may need an increased level of policing due to the involvement of counter protests or an increase in community tensions could be caused.
Holiday Inn, Manvers Protests
The South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner asked the panel to review the policing of a protest and counter protest in relation to asylum seekers being placed at the Holiday In at Manvers on 18 February 2023.
Protests at the Holiday Inn, Manvers
Sheffield Trees Protest
The South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner asked the panel to review the policing of tree protests in Sheffield and make recommendations and advise if there were lessons to be learnt. The report was presented to the Public Accountability Board on 28 June 2018.
Policing Sheffield Trees Protests
Rotherham Protests
The South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner commissioned a review into the engagement of South Yorkshire Police within Rotherham communities following protests in the town 5 September 2015.
Policing Protests In Rotherham: Towards A New Approach
The IAPPP produces reports on either a six monthly or annual basis – dependent upon the number of protests which it has been called upon to advise on. Below are the reports produced by the Panel and received by the PCC:
Advisory Panel on Policing Protests – July – December 2018 Summary Report
Advisory Panel on Policing Protests – January – June 2018 Summary Report
Advisory Panel on Policing Protests – July – December 2017 Summary Report
Advisory Panel on Policing Protests – January – June 2017 Summary Report